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[05-05-09] Lionel's project : Flint

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[05-05-09] Lionel's project : Flint Empty [05-05-09] Lionel's project : Flint

Post by Steve Tue 5 May - 19:30

[05-05-09] Lionel's project : Flint M_6f6f35e8468ca206c7de4241ca37a894


For those who don't know it yet, Lionel is roadie for IN ARKADIA. He has just created his own project called "FLINT" in which he plays guitar. Klem (Flo's girlfriend) can also be heard as singer, drums tracks are written by Flo.


Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore, Lionel est le roadie d'IN ARKADIA. Il vient juste de créer son propre projet "FLINT" dans lequel il est guitariste. Klem (la copine de Flo) s'occupe du chant tandis que Flo s'occupe de l'écriture de la batterie.

Number of posts : 291
Localisation : Bruxelles (B)
Points : 65
Registration date : 2008-09-30

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