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At which festival would you like IN ARKADIA to play this summer (2009)?

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At which festival would you like IN ARKADIA to play this summer (2009)? Empty At which festival would you like IN ARKADIA to play this summer (2009)?

Post by Steve Sun 7 Dec - 15:11

Hey folks,

Maybe you'd like to see IN ARKADIA playing live. They almost never do gigs outside France so festivals are the better opportunities for them to play in another country!

Give some informations about the festivals which are organized in your country!

Number of posts : 291
Localisation : Bruxelles (B)
Points : 65
Registration date : 2008-09-30

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At which festival would you like IN ARKADIA to play this summer (2009)? Empty Re: At which festival would you like IN ARKADIA to play this summer (2009)?

Post by Steve Fri 12 Dec - 16:47

Come on!

26-27-28 june 2009

We keep a list of all applications. Fifty-odd bands will be performing at our three-day festival. We always start off by booking the bigger names and we then fill in the gaps with bands taken from the list. Any band that we think sounds interesting and that fits the profile has a shot at making the bill. So please send your particulars to : Graspop Office - Stenehei 30/12 - 2480 Dessel - Belgium

Number of posts : 291
Localisation : Bruxelles (B)
Points : 65
Registration date : 2008-09-30

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